Non è certo la prima volta che Bruce Springsteen si scaglia contri il Presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America Donald Trump, e anche questa volta lo ha fatto nel modo a lui più congeniale: cantando e suonando.
L’occasione gli è stata data dal leader degli Houserocker, Joe Grushecky, il quale ha scritto un brano dal titolto “That’s What Makes Us Great” e che ha invitato proprio The Boss a cantarlo.
Infatti, Bruce lo ha fatto di buon grado e nel brano paragona Donald Trump ad un truffatore, confermando di avere una certa antipatia per il tycoon americano, (leggi l’articolo) peraltro ampiamente manifestata anche nell’ultima campagna elettorale presidenziale dove si era schierato apertamente a favore di Hillary Clinton.(leggi l’articolo)
Queste le parole di That’s What Makes Us Great.
They come from everywhere
All longing to be free
They come to join us here
From sea to shining sea
Grushecky and Springsteen:
And they all have a dream
As people always will
To be safe and warm
In that shining city on the hill
Some wanna slam the door
Instead of opening the gate
Ah, let’s turn this thing around
Before it gets too late
Grushecky and Springsteen:
It’s up to me and you
Love can conquer hate
I know this to be true
That’s what makes us great
Don’t tell me a lie
And sell it as a fact
I’ve been down that road before
And I ain’t goin’ back
And don’t you brag to me
That you never read a book
I never put my faith
In a con man and his crooks
Grushecky and Springsteen:
I won’t follow down that path
And tempt the hands of fate
Ah, let’s turn this thing around
Before it gets too late
It’s up to me and you
Love can conquer hate
I know this to be true
That’s what makes us great
In the quiet of the night
I lie here wide awake
And I ask myself
Is there a difference I can make?
Grushecky and Springsteen:
Is there a difference I can make?
It’s up to me and you
Love can conquer hate
It’s up to me and you
Love can conquer hate
It’s up to me and you
Love can conquer hate
I know this to be true
And that’s what makes us great
That’s what makes us great
That’s what makes us great
That’s what makes us great